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Pêhonân: Voices of Indigenous Followers of Jesus in the Ecumenical Movement

Mar 29, 2023

ᐯᐦᐅᓇᐣ / Pêhonân – A Gathering-Waiting Place: Voices of Indigenous Followers of Jesus in the Ecumenical Movement

The 8th Canadian Forum on Inter-Church Dialogues

Organized by The Canadian Council of Churches, in partnership with The Prairie Centre for Ecumenism and The Canadian Centre for Ecumenism.

About this event:

Canadian Forum on Inter-Church Dialogues is an important triennial event in Canadian ecumenism. Built around a thematic focus, these gatherings share the fruits of Canadian bilateral and multilateral ecumenical dialogues and create a space for conversations and fellowship among those involved or interested in ecumenism.

The 2023 theme – ᐯᐦᐅᓇᐣ / Pêhonân – A Gathering-Waiting Place: Voices of Indigenous Followers of Jesus in the Ecumenical Movement – calls us into a deeper understanding and appreciation of the wisdom, gifts, and experiences that Indigenous followers of Jesus can offer the ecumenical movement.

Open to: All who are involved or interested in ecumenism.


  • General Admission: $180 for 3 days.
  • Student Admission: $30 for 3 days (with valid student ID or proof of enrolment)

Includes evening reception on Day 1; lunch and dinner on Day 2; lunch on Day 3. Does not include cost of lodging and breakfast.

Highlights of the three-day program include:

  • The Ven. Travis Enright (Archdeacon for Reconciliation and Decolonization; Knowledge Keeper, Standing Stones Sacred Lodge; Anglican Diocese of Edmonton) and The Rev. Dr. Sandra Beardsall (Author, Researcher, and Professor Emerita of Church History and Ecumenics; United Church of Canada) will walk with and listen to the participants and offer opening/closing reflections.
  • Two panel conversations between Indigenous followers of Jesus will explore the themes of “What can we learn from the land and from traditional teachings of the First Peoples about relationships and dialogue?” and “How could the ecumenical movement in Canada seek to become ‘decolonizing’?”
  • Six workshops will share the recent fruits of Canadian bilateral dialogues and will highlight contemporary local and international experiences of ecumenism.
  • Ceremony and worship in a variety of Indigenous and Christian traditions.

For more information and updates, visit: