Prairie Centre for Ecumenism
Mission & Vision
At the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, we seek to call all Christian churches, regardless of denomination, to the goal of visible reconciliation and unity for the world's sake, expressed in one faith and one eucharistic fellowship in Christ (cf. Eph. 4).
Our ministry involves the promotion of inter-church dialogue, understanding and co-operation. In addition, the Centre also promotes inter-religious encounters in our communities. The Prairie Centre for Ecumenism has been in operation since 1984. The Prairie Centre for Ecumenism is sponsored by five denominations. We work in close partnership with the Canadian Council of Churches, the Canadian Centre for Ecumenism, the Association of Interchurch Families, and other ecumenical ministries.Vision
The Vision of the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism is the full visible unity of the Church – one body with many members.Purpose
The purpose of the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism is to be an instrument for Christian reconciliation and unity in obedience to the Spirit, serving the Prairie region of Canada. Through its presence, ministry, resources, and programs, its purpose is to call the churches to visible unity in one faith and in one Eucharistic fellowship expressed in worship and in common life in Christ, through witness and service to the world, and to advance towards that unity in order that the world may believe.
To promote ecumenism through prayer, preaching and worship, faithful to the evangelical word of reconciliation and unity. (This may include promoting participation in the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity and other contexts for joint prayer, pulpit exchanges, ecumenical bible studies, etc.).

To develop resources and implement programs for the ecumenical education and formation of Christ’s faithful. (This may be accomplished through conferences, workshops, publications, website, speakers, library, etc.).

To initiate and support churches in activities of common mission, at the service of the common good locally or beyond (social action, justice and peace initiatives, service projects), cultivating the value of acting together in mission except where serious differences requires churches to act separately.

To foster common witness to our Christian faith, encouraging churches to be attentive to occasions where they can stand together in proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. (e.g. evangelism, Good Friday stations, etc.).

To act as a facilitator in encouraging churches to engage in dialogue or common study, in cooperation with ecumenical bodies or initiatives at all levels of church life, in order to better understand each other and deepen what we hold in common. (This could include both bilateral and multilateral initiatives of dialogue or study.)

To promote and encourage advanced study and training for individuals in the ministry of Christian reconciliation and unity.

Within the framework of each church’s discipline and practice, and in consultation with their leadership, to encourage churches to faithfully and creatively discern and explore ecumenical ways of “being the church” in this place and time. (e.g. covenant relationships between churches, ecumenical shared ministries, support of interchurch families, etc.)

To assist the churches, when requested, to engage in dialogue with other faith groups to further mutual understanding, respect and trust between Christians and those of other religious traditions.