In the early 1900’s the church was a mission church (ACC). In 1971 services became more ecumenical and moved to the Women’s Institute Hall. Pentecostals, and Roman Catholics were invited to participate and services were based on scripture and prayer. In 1986, all services ceased and the church closed because of declining attendance, but the community continued to hold meetings until new leadership could be found to restart public services. In 1988 worship services began again, but in a new format. The time was changed from Sunday morning to 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday. This allowed priests in both Anglican and Roman Catholic traditions to come from Nanaimo. Services moved from the W.I. Hall, first to the United Church, then in November 1989, to the renovated Log Church.
In 2005 St., Martin of Tours became an independent parish. Worship was at the Gabriola Commons and later moved to the Theatre Centre. As of 2010 they worship at Gabriola United Church
*a full history may be found on St. Martin’s web-site
St. Martin of Tours Anglican/Lutheran Church
Phone: 250-247-8633
Location: 2600 South Rd. (PO Box234 - V0R 1X0)
Gabriola Island
V0R 1X7