Worship | Education | Ministry
The Prairie Centre For Ecumenism seeks to be an instrument for Christian reconciliation and unity in obedience to the Spirit servicing the Prairie Region in Canada.
Week of Prayer 2022 – 8 Day Online Bible Study series
“We saw the star in the East, and we came to worship him” (Mt 2:2)
Abide in My Love: Cross-Canada Online Celebration of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Gathering as branches of Christ the True Vine, let us experience, and bear witness to, God’s abiding love amid this year’s unique challenges.
De Margerie Ecumenical Lecture 2021
Now It Springs Forth: Looking for Ecumenical Movement with Fresh Eyes

Our Centre
We are dedicated to promoting and facilitating Christian unity across denominations. We seek to accomplish our goal of visible reconciliation and unity through engaging in dialogue and offering programs and conferences designed to facilitate education, connection and inspiration.